I’ve been so busy with the launch of Antigen that I forgot to post the trailer video on my own site!
As of today, Antigen is available to buy on the app store! Will be back later with a slightly more detailed post:)
Sorry I haven’t been posting lately, I have been very busy finishing off Toxin, or Antigen as it is now called. Unfortunately I had to.
As you might already know my forthcoming iOS game, Toxin involves shooting rapidly dividing toxic cells which eventually fill the playfield or burst to spawn.
I’ve been feeling rough this weekend so I decided to work on one of the easy jobs that I’ve been neglecting during Toxin’s development; finishing.
It has taken me a long time and a lot of experimentation to get the graphics right for Toxin. When I began, I didn’t really.
Its time to introduce my forthcoming game, Toxin! It’s my first game since 2003, and has been in development for erm, *too long*. I can’t.
This is the titlescreen of Toxin, my first iPhone game. It was only supposed to be a warm-up; a short project to help me get.