For the past couple of months I’ve been messing about with some retro-programming, working on a little game in Blitz Basic II for the Commodore.
As you might already know my forthcoming iOS game, Toxin involves shooting rapidly dividing toxic cells which eventually fill the playfield or burst to spawn.
If you’ve read this blog for very long you’ll know that I am a big fan of Photoshop scripting and procedural graphics. Toxin, the iPhone.
Over the next few posts I want to write a bit about how my first iPhone game, Toxin, is being developed. Although I’ve been programming.
This is the titlescreen of Toxin, my first iPhone game. It was only supposed to be a warm-up; a short project to help me get.
My current iPhone game (more info coming soon, I promise!) has a resource system that allows me to load texture maps when I need them.